InstantSights provides Natural Language Generation (NLG) capabilities on your data in Knowi by providing insights in plain English. This is available on widgets on any dashboard if the feature is turned on.
Activate InstantSights:
Navigate to user settings, scroll down to the customer settings section, and click on the Enable button against the Instant Sights to activate NLG.
View Insights
Upon activating the Insight feature, all the widgets within the dashboard will start reflecting the “Insights” button denoted using the bulb icon. Click on the insights button, and the automated text-based insights (summary) for the particular widget will be generated in plain English for you to analyze. Two categories of Insights are on two tabs: Insights and Send.
In the Insights tab, you can find insights for the widget under different types. Five different types of insights are generated for every widget, as summarized in the table below:
Insight Type | Category | Interpretation |
Anomaly | Anomaly by Date | This calculates and returns any anomaly detected for the data by date |
Anomaly by Group | This calculates and returns any anomaly detected for the data by the group | |
Anomaly Growth by Date | This calculates and returns any anomaly detected for the growth by date | |
Anomaly Growth by Group | This calculates and returns any anomaly detected for the growth by the group | |
Growth | Latest Growth by Date | This shows the latest growth summary information |
Latest Growth by Group | This shows the latest growth summary information | |
Top Growth by Date | This shows where the growth of numeric value is highest by date | |
Top Growth by Group | This shows where the growth of numeric value is highest by group | |
Prediction | Prediction by Date | This predicts the next data point by date |
Prediction by Group |
This predicts the next data point by a group |
Summary |
Summary |
This shows the summary of the data |
Max Summary |
This shows max summary information |
Correlation by Date |
Calculates the correlation for the data by date |
Correlation by Group |
Calculates the correlation for the data by group |
Compare by Date |
Compares metrics between the latest two periods in the past by date except for the current metric |
Compare by Group |
Compares metrics between the latest two periods in the past by group except for the current metric |
Custom |
Cloud9QL |
Enter the Custom Cloud9QL query to prepare the data |
Text Template |
Enter the template for your data. |
Note - Scroll down below for more details on the metrics.
AI Generated Summary
AI Generated Summary, when enabled, generates a summary for the widget using AI. To generate a summary, enable the toggle AI Generated Summary. You can then provide any additional context to the AI in the textbox to improvise or filter the results. The summary takes a few seconds to generate. You can also edit the result by clicking Edit Prompt. This will allow you to edit the context you provided earlier. Click on Generate Summary to re-generate the summary.
Insights Settings
Configure the insight settings for any of the widgets in the dashboard to manage the type of insights you want to receive whenever this feature is used.
Generate the insights for any of the widgets and click on the settings icon on the top to start configuring the Insights. You can configure every insight type individually for all the categories i.e. Anomaly, Growth, Prediction, and Summary by group and date.
Or use the AI Picker to configure the insights automatically for each category.
AI Picker: Configures insights with the help of AI. By default, insights are generated for all attributes in each category, which might be unnecessary. However, AI Picker selects only the ones that are important to generate Insights.
To use the AI Picker:
1. Click on Instant Insights (bulb icon) on any widget on your dashboard.
2. Click AI Picker and then Save Changes.
3. Users can now see the Instant Insights for the widget with the categories AI Picker selected.
Important Notes:
1. By default, insights are automatically generated based on your data but may be limited. You can customize it using the settings gear icon to access insight settings.
2. For each insight settings type, you can further tweak the settings for each setting based on the type of data being represented by the widget.
3. If InstantSights is disabled from the Team settings, then icon will not be shown.
The Send tab allows you to schedule Instant Sights Report. You can also generate a widget summary using the AI Generated Summary toggle. Navigate to Instant Sights, then click the Send tab to set up and schedule reports. To set up and schedule reports refer to the detailed documentation here: How to schedule reports?
InstantSights On/Off by Default
You are provided with an additional option to set InstantSights On or Off by default.
Note: InstantSights must be enabled for this setting to appear.
If this setting is turned ON; then the InstantSights feature will stay activated by default for all the widgets in the new dashboards (newly created after this "Default" option is set on).
However, you can check the option- "Apply to all existing dashboard" to apply this default setting to all the existing dashboards and apply the default to all future dashboards as well.
When InstantSights is enabled on every dashboard, you can then manually disable it for certain dashboards through Dashboard settings.
If this setting is turned OFF, then the InstantSights feature will stay disabled by default for all the widgets in the new dashboards (newly created after this "Default" option was set on) unless you enable it manually for any particular dashboard through dashboard settings.
However, you can check the option- "Apply to all existing dashboard" to apply this default setting to all the existing dashboards and apply the default to all future dashboards as well.
Configure Insight
You can customize each insight type/option from the "configure Insight" settings by providing the values in the required fields respectively.
Anomaly By Date
Field | Interpretation |
Algorithm | Forecasting algorithm |
Threshold | Anomaly detection threshold |
Lookback | Lookback periods |
Date | Date/Time series attribute of your data |
Metric | The numeric forecasted attribute of your data |
Result Limit | Result limit |
Anomaly By Group
Field | Interpretation |
Algorithm | Forecasting algorithm |
Threshold | Anomaly detection threshold |
Lookback | Lookback periods |
Date | Date/Time series attribute of your data |
Metric | The numeric forecasted attribute of your data |
Dimension | Grouping attribute of your data |
Result Limit | Result limit |
Anomaly Growth By Date
Field | Interpretation |
Algorithm | Forecasting algorithm |
Threshold | Anomaly detection threshold |
Lookback | Lookback periods |
Date | Date/Time series attribute of your data |
Metric | The numeric forecasted attribute of your data |
Result Limit | Result Limit |
Anomaly Growth By Group
Field | Interpretation |
Algorithm | Forecasting algorithm |
Threshold | Anomaly detection threshold |
Lookback | Lookback periods |
Date | Date/Time series attribute of your data |
Metric | The numeric forecasted attribute of your data |
Dimension | Grouping attribute of your data |
Result Limit | Result Limit |
Latest Growth By Date
Field | Interpretation |
Metric | The numeric forecasted attribute of your data |
Date | Date/Time series attribute of your data |
Frequency | Time-frequency to compute growth for |
Result Limit | Result Limit |
Latest Growth By Group
Field | Interpretation |
Dimension | Grouping attribute of your data |
Metric | The numeric forecasted attribute of your data |
Date | Date/Time series attribute of your data |
Frequency | Time-frequency to compute growth for |
Result Limit | Result Limit |
Top Growth By Date
Field | Interpretation |
Metric | The numeric forecasted attribute of your data |
Date | Date/Time series attribute of your data |
Result Limit | Result Limit |
Top Growth By Group
Field | Interpretation |
Dimension | Grouping attribute of your data |
Metric | The numeric forecasted attribute of your data |
Date | Date/Time series attribute of your data |
Result Limit | Result Limit |
Prediction By Date
Field | Interpretation |
Metric | The numeric forecasted attribute of your data |
Date | Date/Time series attribute of your data |
Prediction Date | Prediction date |
Frequency | Time-frequency to compute growth for |
Algorithm | Forecasting algorithm |
Prediction By Group
Field | Interpretation |
Dimension | Grouping attribute of your data |
Metric | The numeric forecasted attribute of your data |
Date | Date/Time series attribute of your data |
Prediction Date | Prediction date |
Frequency | Time-frequency to compute growth for |
Algorithm | Forecasting algorithm |
Result Limit | Result Limit |
Field | Interpretation |
Metric | The numeric forecasted attribute of your data |
Result Limit | Result Limit |
Max Summary
Field | Interpretation |
Metric | The numeric forecasted attribute of your data |
Date | Date/Time series attribute of your data |
Dimension |
Grouping attribute of your data |
Correlation By Date
Field | Interpretation |
Date | Date/Time attribute of your data |
Cause | Cause attribute of your data |
Effect | Effect attribute of your data |
Correlation By Group
Field | Interpretation |
Dimension | Dimension value to be applied to your data |
Date | Date/Time attribute of your data |
Cause | Cause attribute of your data |
Effect | Effect attribute of your data |
Compare by Date
Field | Interpretation |
Aggregation | Select the Aggregation mode. Depending on the selection, the Sum or Average of the metric values across the chosen period will be calculated for comparison. |
Metric | Metric of Data field |
Date Field | Date or Time filed of your data |
Period | The period for compare |
Compare by Group
Field | Interpretation |
Aggregation | Select the Aggregation mode. Depending on the selection, the Sum or Average of the metric values across the chosen period will be calculated for comparison. |
Metric | Metric of Data field |
Dimension | Grouping attribute of your data |
Date Field | Date or Time filed of your data |
Period | The period for compare |
Result Limit | Set limit for the results |
It allows you to run Cloud9QL on your widget data and display the results using the template.
Field | Interpretation | Allowed Values |
Cloud9QL | Custom Cloud9QL query to prepare the data | Cloud9QL syntax queries. See the documentation here. |
Text Template | Template for your data. Use tokens to render the Cloud9QL query results here. Templates can be in plain text or HTML tags, along with tokens. |
{N[0]V} - returns the 1st numeric column from the C9QL query. {S[0]V} - returns the 1st string column from the C9QL {D[0]V} - returns the 1st date column from the C9QL {S[~0-8]V} - Excludes string columns from 1 to 7 and returns the rest. |