Cloud9QL is Knowi's SQL-like syntax to transform data in powerful ways. Knowi users have the option of either using Cloud9QL to transform their data, or the drag and drop UI.
Transform, clean and post-process data.
Complement existing API's/query syntax of datastores.
For example, if your data is in MongoDB, Cassandra or any other datasource that we support, Cloud9QL can be used as a post processor to the native query syntax.
Generate alternate views from the same data within Knowi.
Query file based data or datastores with no/limited query support.
Select everything:
select *
Keyword 'select' is optional.
Select specific fields:
select Sent, Date
Field Aliases:
select Sent as Sent Messages, Date
select *
where opened > 100000
select *
where campaign_name like artists
select *
where Message Type = Transactional and sent > 200000
Supported Operators:>, >=, <, <=, !=, like, not like, and, or
select *
where opened > 100000
order by opened desc
Supported order types: asc, desc
select * where opened > 100000 order by opened desc limit 1
Unique records:
select distinct *
select distinct customer
Select everything, then add a function:
select *, sent/100000 as sent rate
Used to access data from a previous row
select LAG([, offset[, default]])
select LAG(customer, 3)
Users can also group data in the LAG function and compare the grouped results with the previous values. Use the keyword Group by for grouping.
select LAG([, offset[, default]])
Group by (field_name)
Group by region
select LAG(cuisine, 3)