- Management API
We've developed a public Management API to help our enterprise customers manage various user security aspects of the Knowi platform. The API is RESTful allowing external services and apps to manage users and groups, data sources, queries, dashboards and widgets programmatically. - Machine Learning
This powerful new feature is currently in beta and we will be adding other algorithms to it over the next few weeks. Key features include:- Built-in algorithms (you can also upload your own proprietary algorithms)
- Evaluation statistics, like accuracy and precision, to help you determine best algorithm
- Model training using historic data or upload a training dataset
- Save the trained model and add it to any relevant query with a couple of clicks
- Configure actions to be taken based on query results, including triggering a downstream application or sending a notification
Click here to check out the Machine Learning documentation
- User-Level Filters and Enterprise Access Controls
The combination of content filters, both at a user level and shared URL level, and query parameters allow admin users to limit user access to a subset of available data on the same dashboard or widget. Filters can be applied in one of two ways:- Filters are passed through as query parameters, at runtime, for direct queries
- Filters are applied on top of the data returned by a query
Knowi admins now have more granular control to automate the permissions for sharing data assets (dashboards, queries, datasources, agents). By default, assets are private to the user, unless shared to other users or groups. Now, admins can configure assets so they are automatically shared within a group. Furthermore, each asset can be configured for granular read or edit access at a group or an individual user level.
For details on new access controls, please reference our permissions documentation.
- New Visualizations
We've added Waterfall Charts, Box-Plot Diagrams and the ability to embed an external Webpage as a widget in your dashboard. - CSS Customization
You can also now customize the CSS of dashboards for custom branding. Click here for details. - Categorizing Widgets, Dashboards and Queries
To help manage large numbers of widgets, dashboards and queries, we've added the ability to categorize or "tag" tem so you can group related items together. When saving a new widget, dashboard or query, you can create a new category (names will be auto-suggested) or select an existing category from a list. - New Datasource Support
We've added support for PRESTO. Presto is an open source distributed SQL query engine for running interactive analytic queries against data sources of all sizes ranging from gigabytes to petabytes. - Share All
You can now turn on auto-share all to a particular user group. This enables any selected widget, query, dashboard and/or datasource to be automatically shared with the selected group(s)
- Data Explorer
To make it even easier for you to understand, discover, and explore your multi-structured and unstructured data sources, Data Explorer performs a "schema on read" to sample your data and glean from it relationships and any possible structure. You can drill down into nested data and drag and drop fields into query parameters. Data Explorer is available from the Query Builder page and automatically appears on the left side as soon as you select a datasource. - Enhanced PDF Reports
For PDF reporting, we've enhanced the layout so if a large table/grid is part of the dashboard the full table will be render in the PDF. We've also added headers and footers to make multi-page reports easier to read. - Grid minimum width setting
A minimum width setting has been implemented on the grid. This will enable the width to be set (in pixels) in settings and this will then apply a minimum width instead of trying to fit the whole table in into the space. It also has horizontal scrolling. - Query buttons moved
The query button section has been moved to it's own section below the warehousing section. If you are scrolling, the buttons are now pinned to the top for ease of use. - New C9QL Function
Added a C9QL function reverse_transpose
- Fixed an issue with Stacked Bar visualizations
- Fixed a formatting issue on the Invite User page
- Fixed bar chart columns being reset to same colour upon removal of a filter
- Addressed the issue with not being able to save new data source created from uploading a CSV file