All data assets (dashboards, queries, datasources, agents) are private to the user by default, unless shared to other users or groups. Furthermore, each asset can be configured for granular read or edit access at a group or an individual user level.
Dashboard Sharing
Dashboards can be shared to an specific user, or a group. In addition, you can specify if the user has View access or Edit. View access restricts the user to a view mode where they can consume the dashboard, analyze the data, apply temporary filters (for their session), download the data behind the visualizations but cannot make any changes to the dashboard.
Datasource Sharing
A datasource, for example, a database connection can be shared to another user or group, with edit or consumption rights. With Edit, the user (or the group) will have access to modify the datasource (not common). With consumption only rights, the user can create new queries from the datasource, but will not be able to see or edit, or clone the datasource details.
You can add a query against source.
Setting permissions :
Consume vs Edit: The first datasource in the following screenshot is consume only (note the actions that can be performed on the right) vs. full edit privileges on the other datasource.
Query Sharing
Queries can be shared with Edit or View only rights to groups and/or users. Edit rights enable collaboration on the same query by multiple users and includes edit, clone and delete rights for that query. A query shared with view only rights can be executed and cloned to create a user?s own version of the query.
Consume vs. Edit rights: The first query in the screenshot below is consume only, the second has edit rights.
User Group Publish/Consume Permissions
A user can belong to one or more groups, and marked with either consumption or publish rights for the specific group. In consumption mode, the user has read access to assets shared, but cannot publish into the same group. This allows publishing of assets from one user into a group, but does not allow the consumer to publish it back into the parent group.
Example: Let's say an "engineering" group writes and publishes baseline queries to an analyst and wants to maintain the original queries and does not want that user to publish queries back to the engineering group. This can be done by setting the rights during the user invite. The analyst can publish it to their own groups, but cannot post back to the parent group.
Assigning user-group consume/edit rights:
Automatic Sharing
There may be cases when any asset that the user creates needs be automatically shared to other groups, instead of sharing a specific asset explicitly (query etc.). In such cases, you can apply an 'Automatic Share to Group' setting that will automatically publish any assets created by the user to those groups that can be used by other users. This is available during user creation as well as within the edit menu.
User Level Filters & Security
User filters can be set that limits the data returned to the user across all their dashboards. There are two modes: Query Parameters: Helps you define query parameters that can be passed in all the way into direct queries against your datasource. These parameters can be set at the user level and replaced during query execution. Filter on Query Results: This post processes the data returned any any query to filter by the parameters set. For an in-depth look at content filters, see section on Filters & Query Parameters.