How to Select All Except One Field
If you have 26 fields A-Z and you want to select all the fields except column D you can do so with the following syntax: Select *, ~D.
This is much easier than typing Select A, B, C, E... Z
This is most useful when you want to modify a field with a C9 function. Lets say you want to use the IfNull function on column D to replace all the null values with N/A.
Instead of typing all 26 fields out you can do: Select *, ~D, IfNull(D, N/A) as D
You can use this to omit multiple fields as long as the fields start with ~ and are comma separated.
The only thing to watch out for is that your new D column will now be your last column but if the order matters you can always rearrange the order in the final step or at the widget level.
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