how do i aggregate a field using a window function with C9QL?
Answeredi want to return the max value for a given group without use the group by clause. the ideal out should look like this?
and the raw data looks like this:
Official comment
Typically, a window function performs a calculation across a set of table rows that are somehow related to the current row. This is comparable to the type of calculation that can be done with an aggregate function. Since window functions require an "OVER" clause, we can achieve the same results using a multi-step process with Cloud9QL.
To skip to final results, watch this tutorial,
To follow along, upload this data to your Knowi account as a CSV paste or upload:
4,zzz2,2next, create a query from that dataset and paste this query
select group_id, NULL as entry, max(value) as max_value group by group_id
select *, NULL as max_value;
select * order by group_id, max_value desc;
select accumulate(max_value, group_id) as max_value, *;
select group_id, entry, value, max_value where entry is not null
This should return the ideal outcome. For other aggregate functions (i.e. average, sum, min) swap out max for the ideal function and adjust field . names to match yours. :)
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