Query Page Improvements
When a query with multiple joins fails, the error message will indicate the join segment that caused the failure.
Pin Point Errors for PostgreSQL, with line numbers and highlighting
Ability to cancel a query preview.
Format button to query builder for SQL type datasources.
(Compatible for MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Couchbase, Redshift, Spark, BigQuery, Hive, Snowflake, SparkSQL,SQLServer)
When exiting a query with unsaved changes, a popup will alert you that you have not saved.
Added setting for widget title font color and size.
Added widget background color setting to pie and donut charts.
Improved Query Categories functionality.
For stacked column charts the setting to display column total on the data label has been restored.
Fixed ‘Display Primary Axis in Currency Format’ setting.
Query version history will now be sorted by timestamp instead of username.
For search within a grid, “No Data Found” is now shown instead of empty.