Auto Suggestions help you define the picklist values from another dataset. It will also allow you to specify key/value pairs where a user legible label is shown to the user but an id is passed into the underlying query when selected.
Setting up Auto Suggestions From Another Dataset
Step 1: Select the Filter icon from the top right corner of the dashboard and click on the edit icon of the dashboard filter you want to configure for the autosuggestions.
Step 2: Select the filter condition and filter control.
Step 3: Toggle on the autosuggestion; choose the dataset from which you would like to pick the auto-suggested values or labels, or both.
Note: The auto-suggestion icon is available only on edit modes. If the dashboard, for example, is shared via URL, the icon will not be shown for dataset autosuggestions. In view-only modes, the suggestions are shown based on the dataset associated with the auto-suggestions, (if configured) or will default to the sampling method.
Step 4: Select the auto-suggested values or labels or both (from the dropdown list) you want to fetch from another dataset through filter picklist and click on the Save.
In the above screenshot, the "Country" will be sent to the Query for filtering, and "Country" will aslo be shown for the filter picklist, since no other field was selected to be the Label field.
If value and Label are not specified:
If the other dataset contains a column with the same name as the column to be filtered, the values of that column are returned.
If the other dataset does not contain a column with the same name as the column to be filtered, the values of the first column are returned.
Note: If the label is not specified, only the value will be shown in the picklist*
Step 5: Pick the value from the picklist, click on Apply, for the dashboard to be filtered accordingly.
How to set up a Require Value Filter with Empty Values
The "Require Value" filter ensures that a field must contain a value when a dashboard or widget is used. However, under specific conditions, the value can be left empty temporarily, and the system will auto-select a default value.
Conditions for Allowing Empty Values
- Require Value is checked: The filter must have the "Require Value" option enabled.
- Field Type is String: The field must be of a string data type.
- Auto Suggestions From Another Dataset is enabled: The value must be populated from a predefined picklist.
When these conditions are met, upon loading the dashboard or widget, the system fetches the list of possible values from the hit list. If the filter value is empty, the system will automatically select the first value from the list.