At Knowi, a Dataset results from a Query or a Query with multiple joins. Datasets can be previewed, scheduled, and reused. Datasets can further be used to create visualizations and NLP Queries.
Dataset features:
- Previewing - A Dataset can be previewed before saving and running it.
- Sorting and Filtering - Datasets can be sorted/filtered as per requirements. Sorting can be done in ascending or descending order, and filtering can be done based on fields using operations like equals, not equals, greater than, less than, etc.
- Reusing Queries - Datasets allow you to reuse queries by saving and cloning.
- Abstract Query execution details - The underlying execution details for the queries are hidden from the users.
- Creating Multiple Visualizations/Transformations - Datasets can be reused to create multiple visualizations and transformations.
- Scheduling - Datsets can be scheduled for Alerts and Actions (Send Email/Webhook/Slack/Teams).
- API enabled: Datasets can be queried via APIs or pushed via Webhooks into your API.
Creating Datasets
Datasets are created when you create a query on the Queries page. There are multiple ways to create/navigate to a dataset.
From the Queries Page
To create a new Dataset, navigate to Queries in the left side panel.
On the Queries page, click New Query+
In the Queries page, choose a dataset, choose a collection, and give your dataset a name. Click Create and Run to run the query, or click Save Dataset only to save the dataset.
There is another way to navigate to already existing queries. In the Queries page, navigate to the edit button beside a Query. This will allow you to edit and save the edited dataset.
From the Dashboard
To navigate to Datasets from the Dashboard, click on the three-dots option on a widget and click Query.
Here's a high-level diagram of Knowi that shows you how Datasets fit in the overall Knowi architecture: