- Ability to use two source fields as user name in SAML ex: User: user.firstName and user.lastName.
- Upgraded libraries to increase security.
- Upgraded log4j to 2.16.0 to protect against attacker controlled LDAP and other JNDI related endpoints.
- Added Detect Schema to SQL Server. Currently compatible with My SQL, PostreSQL, Amazon Redshift, and Snowflake data sources.
- Fixed drilldowns with pivot tables when row is set as Single Field Representation.
- Faster loading speed for mobile browsers.
- Fixed editing/adding/deleting steps in SSA when navigated from visualization settings.
- Fixed visualizations getting cut off in PDF export.
- Fixed Slack compatibility when there's an unnamed widget.
- Fixed bug duplicating widgets on dashboards.
- Fixed filter sets when reset to default is clicked will no longer show hidden filters.