- Y-axis max for visualizations previously could not be less than 1.
- Added CC and BCC options for Email reports.
- Change your dashboard theme to dark mode with the following CSS:
<style> ul#grid-widgets { background: #333 !important; } ul#grid-widgets *, .dash-header-row, .dash-header-row *{ background: #333 !important; background-color: #333 !important; color: white !important; } ul#grid-widgets .header { border-radius: 0; border-bottom: 1px solid white; } ul#grid-widgets li svg { fill: #333 !important; } ul#grid-widgets li svg rect.highcharts-background { fill: #333 !important; } ul#grid-widgets li svg rect[fill="#fff"] { fill: #333 !important; } ul#grid-widgets li svg g path[fill="#ffffff"] { fill: #333333 !important; } ul#grid-widgets li svg text { fill: #fff !important; } ul#grid-widgets .gs-resize-handle, ul#grid-widgets .gs-w.dragging .gs-resize-handle { opacity: 0 !important; } ul#grid-widgets li table tbody tr[section="header"], ul#grid-widgets li table tbody tr[section="header"] { background: #444 !important; } ul#grid-widgets .filter-picker-container .filter-picker-item, ul#grid-widgets .filter-picker-container .filter-set-picker-item, ul#grid-widgets .filter-picker-container .filter-picker-item *, ul#grid-widgets .filter-picker-container .filter-set-picker-item *{ background: #555 !important; } ul#grid-widgets .highcharts-label.highcharts-tooltip * { background: #777 !important; } ul#grid-widgets .highcharts-label.highcharts-tooltip path { fill: #777 !important; } ul#grid-widgets .highcharts-text-outline { stroke-width: 0.5px !important; } div.body.ui-droppable { background: #333 !important; } </style>