Knowi's report scheduling features allow you to schedule dashboard exports as a PDF and/or CSV attachment and send them to you directly via Email, Webhook, Slack, or Microsoft Teams. Say you have a frequently used dashboard that tracks daily KPI metrics. You can schedule an email report to be delivered as a PDF and/or CSV directly to your and your team's inbox daily.
1. Click on the Reports from the left sidebar.
2. Click on the New Report + button from the top-right corner.
3. This takes you to the Report Options window.
2. Give your Report a name. The name you will enter will be displayed on the Reports screen.
3. In the
Dashboards dropdown, select the dashboard(s) you wish to send in the report.
4. Optionally include a CSV attachment by clicking the Add CSV Attachment. This will show additional options.
a. Give the attachment a Name it will be displayed as.
b. In the Dataset dropdown, select a dataset you wish to attach as CSV.
c. (Optional) In the Cloud9QL Query editor, enter additional C9QL to transform the data.
You can add more CSV attachments or remove them using the "- Remove" button.
5. (Optional) In the Widget dropdown, choose up to five Widgets to report on. Choosing a widget will enable three checkboxes that define the output format. The formats are:
a. Snapshot - The report would consist of widget snapshots in PDF form.
b. CSV - The report would be a CSV file
c. InstantSights - The report would be the NLP Insights of your widget data
Note: The attachments include all the transformations from the widget C9QL and the widget analyze.
6. (Optional) In the Filters section, enter any User Content Filters you wish to enforce. This ensures only data applicable to the recipient(s) is contained in the report. Enter the required details in the fields (Mode, Field Name, Value ).
Field Descriptions:
Mode - Select the mode from the dropdown menu. There are two modes to choose from.
A. Query Parameter: Applicable for "Direct Query" modes, these parameters will be automatically passed on to this user.
Field Name - Must be in format $c9_XXX$ or $c9_XXX(defaultVal)$ where the default will be passed in at runtime if the value is empty.
B. Filter on Query Results: Applies the filter on top of the query results to limit the data. Field Name is the field name to filter by (without $c9_).
Field Name - Enter the field's name in the format applicable to the selected mode.
Value - To enter multiple values, enter the value and hit Enter.
To Remove/Add Filters :Click + Add Filter, to remove, click -Remove.
7. In the Report As dropdown, select the Knowi user the report will be executed by (available to Admin users only - allows the report to be run with lower privileges).
8. In the Run every section, specify the schedule the report will be sent on. Reports can be scheduled to run every Hour, Day, Month, or Weekday (M-F) intervals.
9. In the Starting at section, choose a timestamp for sending the report, and the timezone is auto-picked based on the timezone set up in your profile.
10. In the Send report via section, you can choose how to send the report. The options available are Email, Webhook, Slack, and Teams.
11. Click Save.