- Some security updates, the most important kind of updates
- Extended automatic parsing of Date objects formatted as a string down to the nanosecond
- We know you enjoy runtime query parameters, it's now available when querying a REST API with POST method
- Exporting CSV with DateTime objects should now be readable when opened in Excel
- Users should now have better display controls when using Data Summary widget type
- Improved performance and rendering of embedding widgets within Custom Widgets
- Fixed an issue with CSV uploads creating an additional column after uploads
- Fixed a bug preventing date range tokens to work when in Query Preview mode
- Fixed the issue with last login timestamp not populating for SSO users
- If you've had problems with Groupings auto-expanding in Data Grid widgets, you should no longer encounter those problems.
- Resolved sizing issues with embedded widgets when in Ad-hoc analysis
- Fixed an issue with the wrong count of records displayed on query logs
- Fixed an issue where max records were not saving in widget settings
- Fixed a flow re-routing issue when using Classification in Machine Learning
- Fixed a bug preventing scroll in a filter-set