- The ability to globally set timezone at a customer level has been introduced. If timezone has been set at user level, then the user level setting will take precedence. Configuration is available within the Customer Settings section (User Settings --> Account Settings)
- Improved the performance of excel data exports from the Data Grid
- Improved load time on the Query Status page
- Modernized the look and feel in several UI areas:
- dashboards
- a selection of widget type color and stylings
- widget elements/settings
- Fixed an issue with the Cloud9QL Transformation for Filters where the window was not closed upon save
- Fixed a responsive issue when selecting several metrics within the Query Preview pane
- Fixed an alignment issue with widget sharing after using analysis mode
- Fixed an JS error issue with changing of the chart type from the widget listing page
- Fixed an issue with the Analyze Grid not displaying appropriately from with the Machine Learning module
- Fixed an issue with other dashboard elements being visible when maximizing a widget
- Fixed a 500 error issue with the Excel data export from the Data Grid