Array size pagination for API Integrations
Added in the ability to deal with a bookmark/offset value which can then be passed into consecutive API calls based on a previously fetched row count. In the Query Editor, set "Pagination Response type" to "Response is Array and get count of elements", leave the "Response Field Name" empty, and "URL parameter name" to "offset".
- Improved functionality to view expanded nested elements when filtering widgets and dashboard
- Added the ability to customize data labels and number formatting in widgets
- Added a comma for number readability in the Gauge/Goal Total widget type
- Fixed a UI issue with legend icons out of place in Data Diagrams
- Fixed an issue with duplicating fields when using dataset statistics in Data Interactions
- Fixed an issue with UI elements when creating new Email Reports
- Fixed an issue with the query macro for a derived query requiring a default value upon save and preview even when one is specified in the macro itself
- Addressed an issue with the rendering of large numbers of chart legends for charts that use grouping functions. If the number of legends is greater than 75 then the user will be requested to filter the data and change the chart type