Widget Level Drilldowns
Widget Level Drilldowns enhance chart interactivity and data visualization within the same dashboard. Configuring the Drilldown settings allows users to navigate from one widget to another with the option of passing through filters.
Note: Users will stay on the same dashboard, but the existing dashboard widget will change to the configured widget with Drilldown filters applied.
Passing Filters in Widget level Drilldowns
Two types of filters can be passed through a widget drilldown: Widget filters and Drilldown filters.
Pass-Through Widget Filters
This option applies widget-level filters from the parent widget to the subsequent Drilldown widget.
When to use Pass-Through Widget Filters
The Pass-Through Widget Filter is useful when you have a parent widget and want to pass the data from the parent to the child widget.
For example:
Pass-Through Drilldown Filters
This option carries forward the Drilldown filters from the previous step to the subsequent widget drilldowns, if any. This is primarily relevant for secondary widget drilldowns and on.
When to use Pass-Through Drilldown Filters
The Pass-Through Drilldown Filter is useful when passing the data from the previous step to the next step.
For example:
How to enable the Pass-Through Filters
- Click Drilldowns from the More Settings menu.
- Under the Drilldowns type dropdown, select Widget.
- From the "Drill into" dropdown, choose the desired existing Widget.
- In addition, there is an option to add filters to the Dataset. In the Optional Drilldown Filters, choose the parent widget fields, i.e., the original dataset, and next to the equals sign, select the child widget fields, i.e., the post-transformation dataset, for filtering.
- The child widget dropdown is also a free text box. This means users can add custom values and filter the data based on that.
- Based on the use case, check/uncheck the Pass-Through Widget Filters and Pass-Through Drilldown Filters checkboxes to filter data on the widgets.