A dashboard can be cloned by selecting the Settings icon from the dashboard page. Scroll to the bottom to find the blue Clone button. You have two options when cloning: clone the dashboard only, or clone the dashboard and all the widgets. The options are explained below.
When the 'Clone' option is selected, a copy of the dashboard is created with the same name, prefixed by 'Copy of...'. All widgets from the original dashboard are included in the new one.
Note that any changes made to a widget on either dashboard will affect the other, as both dashboards reference the same widgets.
Clone Dashboard and Widgets
When the 'Clone Dashboard and Widgets' option is selected, a duplicate dashboard is created with the same name, prefixed by 'Copy of'. All widgets from the original dashboard are also cloned, with their names followed by '(Copy)'.
Changes made to the cloned widgets will not affect the original widgets, as they are independent of each other.