The following is our guide for the on-premises deployment of Knowi. Below, you'll find a detailed list of all
settings and their definitions.
Property | Description |
serverExternalHost=http://localhost:9090 | Server public host (where Cloud9 webapp can be accessed externally) |
serverInternalHost=http://localhost:9090 | Server internal host (where Cloud9 webapp can be accessed internally) |
apiHost=http://localhost:9090 | API host where Knowi Agent connects to |
#loginHost= | Login URL where you can specify a custom login page. |
timeZone=America/Los_Angeles | Server timezone (Java compatible timezone ID) |
internalDatabaseType=@db-type-name@ | Relational System Database Type: Either MySQL or PostgreSQL |
mongoDefaultHost=@mongo-host@ |
Mongo Configuration:
hostedAgentId=HostedAgentID | Hosted Connector ID |
#connectorRealtimeEnabled=false |
Realtime Connector:
Rabbit MQ configuration:
Property | Description |
messageQueueHost=localhost messageQueuePort=5672 |
This part is only required if you have real time enabled |
#messageQueueUser= #messageQueuePass= #messageQueueSsl= |
Rabbit MQ configuration |
Email SMTP server configuration:
Property | Description |
emailEnabled=false | Enable Email |
#smtpHost= #smtpPort= #smtpUser= #smtpPass= |
Email SMTP server configuration |
#smtpTls= | Set this to true to enable TLS |
#smtpSslAuthentication= | Set this to true to enable SSL Authentication |
#supportEmail= | Support Email Address |
PhantomJS Configuration:
Property | Description |
#phantomJsPath=phantomjs |
#phantomCachePath= | Location for PhantomJS cache |
#pdfExportPath=/tmp | Location to save exported PDF files |
#pdfExportThreads= | Number of PDF Export threads (default 1) |
Knowi User Configuration:
Property | Description |
userDefaultPlanId=10 | Default plan ID (10: Unlimited) |
#userDefaultCustomerId= | Default customer ID for new user |
#userDefaultRole= | Default user role name for new user |
#userDefaultGroupId= | Default group ID for new user |
userDataRefresh=60 | Session data refresh time in minutes |
ssoTokenExpiry= | SSO Session Expiry (minutes) |
ssoTokenSingleUse= | Set to true if you want the token to be single use (default is false) |
#appHeaderPath= | App header customization (can be resource name or file path) |
#appFooterPath= | Server public host (where Cloud9 webapp can be accessed externally) |
#sslKeyStore= #sslKeyStorePass= |
SSL KeyStore settings.
pwdExpirationDays=90 | Users password expiration days |
#reportEnabled= | Enable/Disable email report (enabled by default) |
#alertEnabled= |
Enable/Disable alert (enabled by default) |
NLP Configuration:
Property | Description |
#nlpEnabled= | Enable/Disable across dataset NLP (disabled by default) |
#nlpIndexerThreads= | Number of NLP indexing threads |
#elasticUrl= | ElasticSearch URL |
#elasticUsername= | ElasticSearch username |
#elasticPassword= | ElasticSearch password |
#elasticIndexPrefix= | ElasticSearch index prefix to store user NLP data inside ElasticSearch (`<prefix><knowi_user_id>`) |
Slack Integration:
Property | Description |
#slackAppId= #slackClientId= #slackClientSecret= #slackVerificationToken= #slackSigningSecret= #slackOAuthAuthorizeUrl= |
Credentials for slack app integration |
Management API:
Property | Description |
#oauthProviderClientId= #oauthProviderClientSecret= |
Management API credentials of Knowi OAuth owner for third party integrations |
Private key for tunneling:
Property | Description |
#privateKeyFile=/usr/local/cloud9/.ssh/id_rsa |
Private key for tunneling |
Performance Configuration:
Property | Description |
#maxChunkSize= | Maximum size of in-memory data chunk for processing user data (default 200000) |
#maxChunkCount= | Maximum number of chunks allowed for processing data (default unlimited) |
#queryJoinThreads=0 | Join query execution threads. These threads are used to execute each parts of a single join query concurrently. Set this to zero will disable this feature (ie: the join parts of the query will be fetched and processed one after another by the main query thread) |
#chunkSerializationMode= |
Serialization mode for data chunks. Valid values are FST, OOS, and NONE.
URL-based authentication for push API:
Property | Description |
apiKeyUrlAuthEnabled | This allows turning off URL-based authentification for push API (default is TRUE) |
Enhanced Session Management:
Property | Description |
enhancedSession=TRUE |
Enhanced session management enables Knowi's session management when enhancedSession=TRUE. With Knowi's session management enabled, once a session is expired, a “session expired” modal window will appear. Note: Enhanced session defaults to TRUE, however, turning enhancedSession=FALSE will default back to the existing Tomcat session management. |