- Rich Text Widget Improvements: (3031)
- More options for font sizes.
- Ability to resize images and videos.
- Accessibility options for widgets. You can use the following script to your dashboard CSS to make your widgets more accessible to people with color blindness. This script will pattern fill certain widgets and add markers to lines: (3194)
colorBlindCharts = true;
colorBlindMarkers = true;
- New Datasource setting for Snowflake and Knowi Elastic Store: Force TimeZone. This will keep your data in the time zone of the datasource and will prevent any conversion to the Knowi user’s timezone. (3267)
- NLG now can do comparisons by time period. This will compare a specified metric between the current period and the previous one. For example it can generate insights like the following: (3270)
- Revenue has increased by 250,000 (10%) from 2,500,000 to 2,750,000 between last quarter and this quarter.
- Inventory has decreased 15,000 (50%) from 30,000 to 15,000 between last month and this month.
- Accounts Receivable has stayed the same at 5,000 between last week and this week.
- On the Query and Widget listings we now include the owner of the item in the grid. (3262)
- Conditional formatting
- Formatting will apply to cells that are null when the condition applies (ie Does not contain xyz). (3233)
- Fixed bug with PDF export, if the grid is included in the appendix the conditional formatting will persist as shown in the dashboard. (3274)
When setting the background color on a dashboard any hex color can be entered, it is no longer limited to certain color options. (3271)