Rich Text Widget
A brand new visualization type that allows you to display stylized text, images, and video on your dashboard with a user friendly interface.
You can reference values from your dataset to make your visualization dynamic. Use {{<Field>}} to reference the first value in the selected field, use {{<Field>:n}} to reference a value from a specific row n being the row number.
Styling Options: Font, Text size, Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Font Color, Highlight, Numbered List, Bulleted List, Check Box List, Block Quote, Code Block, Subscript, Superscript, Remove Indent, Indent, Text Direction, Text Alignment, Hyperlink, Image, Video, Clear Formatting.
Other Changes:
- Revision histories will now show username instead of user’s email.
- FIxed overlap between time-series navigator and data preview limit message when both are present on a widget.