- Auto scale Datagrid and Data Summary: Enabling this setting will convert your visualization’s fonts, row heights, column widths, etc. from absolute pixel sizing to variable sizing and will maintain the same proportions regardless of the screen size that it is viewed on. (2823)
- You may need to adjust some sizing once enabling this setting.
- You may need to adjust some sizing once enabling this setting.
- Datagrid column sizing enhancements: We’ve made improvements to the way users resize grid columns, changing the size of one column will no longer stretch or shrink adjacent columns, columns will retain their set widths and not change, columns will scale with Auto Scale setting.
- Widget Settings Search: Now you can easily search for the setting you are looking for – We’ve added a search bar to widget settings to easily locate a setting you are after. (2816)
- For Redshift queries the data explorer will now show the schema name for non default schema tables. (2824)
- On Webhook Alerts we have added a custom Post Body input which allows users to add data tokens to pass in values from the dataset. (2934)
- For Drilldowns with filters triggered by Pie/Donut charts, we have fixed a bug causing the filter to not pass through the correct value. (2974)
- Fixed 'Change Dataset' setting so that the current dataset the widget is pointing to will be displayed. Also the widget will refresh when changed to reflect the new dataset. (2949)
- Filters:
- Fixed bug causing filters to become cascading when cascading setting is set to off, just in the right hand filter bar. (2961)
- Fixed loading icon that never stops spinning on custom filters. (2963)