- Dashboard Revision History. Anytime you add/move/resize widgets to a dashboard or adjust dashboard settings. a version of the dashboard will be added to the History which will allow the user to revert to a previous version. - Column chart X-axis sub grouping setting added:
- Ability to send email reports via your own mail servers. This might be useful in cases the reports to your end customers are being sent by Knowi and you’d like to control the from addresses, deliverability etc. This can be found at the customer level settings. (2619)
- Added option for proxy mode on the agent for Postgres. (2657)
- Fixed Alerts not sending when ‘Generate Alert if No Data is Detected’ setting is enabled. (2660)
- Fixed Trigger Alerts firing when condition is not met. (2658)
Note: We will now include the ticket number for each item in the release notes. When you make a feature request or a bug report we will give you the number of your ticket to cross reference with the release notes.