Click on the share icon at the top right corner of the interface and select 'Export As PDF' from the drop-down menu to export the dashboard as a PDF. Configure all the fields and click Export PDF.
PDF Export Settings
Users can make these settings as per the use case before exporting:
Page Orientation
In the page orientation settings, users can choose to set the PDF export to either Landscape, Portrait, or Custom. Under Custom, users can define the custom height and width.
Margin Size
In the margin size, users can define the margin size for the PDF between small, medium, and large.
In the layout settings, users can set the layout of the PDF as Fit to width or Fit to one page. Users can also stack the widgets as a single column by checking the Single column only check box.
Headers and Footers
Users can define the page numbers, title, date, and time in the headers and footers settings.
Datagrid, Pivot and Spreadsheet
Users can choose to Add the appendix and Display in the dashboard by checking the respective checkboxes for data grid with scrolls, for pivots, and for spreadsheets.
Spreadsheet Mode
Customizable options for widgets with spreadsheets. During PDF export users can choose to either export all, active, or current sheet.