Widget settings have options to choose and configure the Widget's appearance, formatting, and logical changes that help visualize data better.
To go to Widget settings, click the three-dots menu and choose Settings.
The settings are categorized into sections based on the type.
Field | Interpretation |
Visualization Type | Choose a Visualization Type |
Visualization title | Name for the Widget |
Category | List of categories to associate the widget to. Categories list dropdown can be found within the widget listing menu. To add a new category, type it in. To add multiple, hit enter after each. |
Ignore Fields | Ignore one or more fields from the visualization |
Max Records | Maximum number of records on which to run the analysis. Leave it empty to profile all data for this dataset. |
Live Data | Check the box and specify a frequency for the in-dashboard widget auto update (when displayed on a TV screen, for example) |
Description |
If set, display a popover description via an info icon on the widget, which also supports HTML format, providing you with further abilities like adding hyperlinks, changing text color, changing font style, and much more.
Footnote | A footnote to display at the bottom of the widget |
Select Widgets | Select up to 3 widgets (Available only in InstantSights Visualization) |
Chart Configuration
Field | Interpretation |
Field containing Size/Count | Size mapping of the text field |
Field containing text | Select the field that contains the text to analyze |
Minimal angle | Control the text angle display |
Max angle | Control the text angle display |
Plot Data/Y-Axis | Numeric Y-axis field to use. Please leave it empty if you'd like multiple Y-axis fields. Pie and donut charts will automatically sum the rows in your dataset by the selected grouping and value fields. Users must manually transform their data to aggregate by average, minimum, max, etc., with C9QL or in the analyze tab. |
Y-Axis Categories | Categories displayed vertically for a grid heatmap |
Sub Categories | Sub Categories for each parent category |
Minimum color | Color name range minimum |
Middle Color | Mid-range color |
Max Color | Color name range maximum |
Quick Picker X-Axis | Quickly change the value of the X-axis from the widget's top |
Quick Picker Y-Axis | Quickly change the value of the Y-axis from the widget's top |
Max Y-Axis Items | Max number of items to display on the Y-axis |
Max X-Axis Items | Max number of items to display on the X-axis |
Enable Y-Axis Scroll | To avoid overcrowding |
Enable X-axis Scroll | To avoid overcrowding |
Baseline Value | Custom baseline value |
Median | Median of the box |
Lower quartile | Lower quartile |
Upper quartile | Upper quartile |
Low whisker | Low whisker |
High whisker | High whisker |
Theoretical mean | Theoretical mean |
Invert Axes | To invert the axes |
Grouping/Legend | Legend/series field if a column contains the fields. |
X-Axis | X-axis field if applicable. |
X-Axis Ordering | Optional X-axis data ordering if applicable. |
X-Axis Type | Set to date/time for a time series chart. |
Show Total | When checked, the total sum across the entire series will be displayed at the end. |
Bubble Size Field | Denotes the size of the bubble |
Intermediate sum | When this property is set, the points act as a summary column for the values added or subtracted since the last intermediate sum. |
Y-Axis Max | Optional max Y-axis value. Use it in conjunction with the tick interval to set the Y-axis labels. |
Y-Axis Tick Interval | Optional Y-axis tick interval to set the Y-axis labels. |
Target Line | An optional value for the target line only applies to the primary Y-axis. A "Target Line" legend is added when a target value is added. |
Historical/Current Value | Set the field with historical/current values |
Y-Axis Min | Set the Y-axis minimum values |
Projections | Set the field with projected values |
Lower boundary | Lower boundary field name |
Upper boundary | Higher boundary field name |
X-Axis Sub Groups (Beta) | To create multiple X-axis subgroups |
Y-Axis Logarithmic Scale Axis | For log scale, enter logarithmic |
Y-Axis Values in Reverse Order | Check to reverse the axis so that the highest number is closest to the origin. |
Enable Stacking | Enable stacking for bar chart |
Anomaly Algorithm | Anomaly forecasting algorithm |
Anomaly Deviation | Mean absolute percentage threshold setting |
Max Value | Goal value |
Min Value | Start value |
Start Color | Enter the color name or code |
Color - Mid Point | Enter the color for the midpoint of the gauge |
End Color | Color stop at the end of the scale |
First Range Value | The numeric stop value for the first range |
Second Range Value | Numeric stop value for the second range |
Third Range Value | Numeric stop value for the last range |
First Range Color | Color stop value for the first range |
Second Range Color | Color stop value for the second range |
Third Range Color | Color stop value for the third range |
Center Latitude | Map center latitude |
Center Longitude | Map center longitude |
Zoom Level | Map zoom level |
Marker Pin Text | To display the text on the marker when clicked |
Map Type | Type of map |
Tile Provider | Geo tile provider for the look and feel options |
Point Styles | Display points as cluster groups, simple pins, or heatmap |
Count Field | If you have lat/long points with a weighted number field |
Marker Color Field | Customize marker color, where the field selected contains the marker color to display |
Radius | The radius of influence for each data point |
Max Opacity | Ranges from 0 to 1 to control the look and feel of the heatmap |
Min Opacity | Ranges from 0 to 1 to control the look and feel of the heatmap |
Blur Factor | To control the gradient |
Primary Region | Set a region displaying on the map |
Tooltip | Tooltip display mode |
Border Resolution | The resolution of borders |
Metric to Track | Field to show |
Previous Value | Last value to compare to |
Percent Change | Percentage change calculation |
Original Value | Show/hide original value |
Threshold Value | Enter threshold value to check against |
Color - Below/Equals Threshold | Defaults to red |
Color - Above Threshold | Defaults to green |
Metric Field | Field to set a threshold against |
From | Choose the field that represents from |
To | Choose the field that represents to |
Counts/Values | Choose the field that represents the counts |
Ordering of nodes | To set nodes |
Step change angle | Control the angle display step |
Font | To specify the font |
Font size | To specify the font size |
Days on Screen | Set the days on the screen |
Start Time | Set the start time |
End Time | Set the end time |
Group Field | Group field |
Event Type | Label on the left-hand side to group by items |
Text code | Enter text or HTML code |
Web page link | Enter the web page URL link here. It also allows the user to pass the URL from the dataset. Type the field name into the web page link surrounded by two curly brackets. For example: {{URL_field}} |
Image URL | Add image URL |
X coordinate | Represents X coordinate |
Y coordinate | Represents Y coordinate |
Point Size | Defaults to 1 |
Point Color | Defaults to red |
Bottom Left Zero Position | Defaults to the top left |
Scale Coordinates | It can be integer or decimal |
Group By | Select a field to group points by |
Hover Fields | Fields to show when hovering on points |
Edges type | Select which edge type to display |
Integration type | Determines how forces are applied to the particles |
Max X-Axis Items | Max number of items to display on the X-Axis |
Enable X-axis Scroll | (Controls scrollbar visibility) Enable X-Axix to scroll to avoid overcrowding. Use the Max X-Axis items in conjunction with this property |
Display & Formatting
Field | Interpretation |
Title Font Color | Set the title font color of the widget |
Title Font Size | The default title font size is 14px. |
Font size | To set the size of the font |
Font color | To set the color of the font |
Label font size | To set the label font size |
Label font color | To set the label font color |
Vertical | Change orientation to vertical |
Align content horizontally | Align content horizontally |
Align content vertically | Align content vertically |
Hide field names | Do not display field names |
Strong field names | Use bold fonts for field names |
Up caret color | Defaults to green |
Down caret color | Defaults to red |
Grid line thickness | Grid line thickness value |
Cell Padding | Padding of cell content |
Data Format | Data formatting for one or more fields. Read more. |
Display Theme | Select a theme for chart types |
Colors | Set the color for the chart |
Legend Alias | Change legend display text |
Background Color | Change the background of the widget |
Legend Ordering | Legend ordering method, if applicable. |
Percent Stack Type | To display stacking as a percent |
Display "Total" | To show total |
Legend Show/Hide | Display legend when enabled |
Legend font size | Font size of the legend |
Reverse Legends | To reverse the order of the legend items |
Fit To Widget Width | To make columns shrink to fit widget width to eliminate horizontal scroll |
Footer Font Size | To set the font size of the footer |
Footer Row Height | To set the row height of the footer |
Text Wrap | Allow cell text to break on multiple lines |
Single Row Representation | collapse all nested rows to a single row |
Y-Axis Grid Line width | Defaults to 1; set to 0 to hide grid lines |
Enable Reverse Stacking | To reverse stacking |
Data labels around the marker | Allow data labels to follow the marker's shape |
Vertices radius | Default to 10 |
Edges width | Set edges line width |
Vertices color | Set a color name for the vertices' color |
Edges color | Set a color name for the edge color |
Data Labels Position | Set data labels position relatively to vertices |
Column (bar) width | Set the width for columns or bars in pixels |
Display Start / End Value (Gauge/Goal widget) | This shows 'Display Start Value & Display End Value' to show the minimum and maximum value of the gauge on the widget. The gauge's color can change depending on the value of the data shown. |
Data Format
Data Format allows users to format one or more data fields. Choose the field(s) from the dropdown. A pop-up appears with the below options:
1. Number Formatting - Allows formatting for data fields of data type number/integer. Users can further specify the number of digits to be displayed after the decimal and whether to use a thousand separator.
2. Currency Formatting - Allows formatting for data fields of type currency. In addition, users can specify the decimal places, currency symbol, color for negative values (red by default), and a thousand separator.
3. Custom Formatting - Users can add custom formatting for the fields. Read this for formatting help.
4. Date Formatting - Allows formatting for data fields of date. In addition, users can specify the date format within the options in the dropdown.
5. Percentage Formatting - Allows formatting for data fields of data type number/integer in percentage format. Users can specify the number of digits displayed after the decimal and whether to multiply by 100.
6. HTML Formatting - Allows formatting for data fields using HTML tags.
7. Array Formatting - Allows formatting for data fields of the data type array. Users also have the option of removing and/or bracket and quote.
Column and Header Settings
Field | Interpretation |
Header Background Color | Set the header background color; default to dark blue |
Header Font Color | Set the header font color; default to black |
Header Font Size | Set the header font size |
Header Height | To adjust the height of the header |
Minimum Column Width | To set the minimum grid width |
Column Ordering | column ordering |
Column Sort Order | Sorting order of column headers |
Hide Last Header Row | To hide the last header row |
Total Column | Additional column with summary for each row |
Hide Column | To hide the column from the grid |
Reset Column Width | Reset each column width to the default |
Row Settings
Field | Interpretation |
Color of Odd Rows | Default to white |
Rows Font Color | Set the font color of rows |
Rows Font Size | Set the font size of rows |
Rows Background Color | Default to white |
Total Row | Footer row with summary for each column |
Auto Collapse Rows | Shows all rows initially collapsed |
Color of Even Rows | Default to white |
Row Height | The height of each row in the grid |
Aggregation and Grouping
Field | Interpretation |
Aggregation | Aggregation for group |
Grouping | Grouping by some parameters |
Aggregation on top | Check to show aggregation on top |
Widget Labels
Field | Interpretation |
Label - Display as Percent | Convert display label values to percentage |
Label - Display value | Display the series name and associated values |
Display Y-Axis Title | Display Y-axis title; enabled by default |
Y-Axis Label Display | Hide/show Y-axis labels |
Y-Axis Title Text | Title for Y-axis |
X-Axis Title | Title for X-axis |
X-Axis Label Display | Hide/show X-axis labels |
X-Axis Label Rotation | Degrees of rotation of X-axis labels; useful for long labels |
X-Axis Date Formatter | Override the default X-axis date format. Only applicable for chart types with Date/time X axis. See formats here |
X-Axis labels format as data units | Bytes, KB, MB, GB, etc. |
Stack Label Display | Set false to turn off the column total data label |
Stack Label Font Size | Stack label font size |
Data Label Display | Check to display value labels. Default is false |
Data Label Font Size | Enter font size if the display label is set to true. Example: 15px. Defaults to 9px. |
Data Label Formatter | For formatting help |
Y-Axis Labels Formatter | For formatting help |
Data Label Decimal Places | Number of decimal places in the data label |
Symbol After Data Label | Symbol to display after data label |
Data Label Padding | Set padding around data labels |
Data Label Allow Overlap | To allow data labels to overlap |
Data Labels X Offset | The X position offset of the label relative to the point in pixels |
Hover Label Format | For formatting help |
Data Labels Y Offset | The Y position offset of the label relative to the point in pixels |
Hover Decimal Places | Number of decimal places to show on the tooltip |
Data Label Formatter Field | Allows for different formats to be set for each row. The format is present inside of the data as a column. |
Secondary Chart Configuration
Field | Interpretation |
Secondary Y-Axis | Optional secondary Y-axis on the right-hand side of the chart. |
Secondary chart type | Chart type for the secondary chart |
Secondary chart grouping | Display second stacking groups on the X-axis based on the string field selected. |
Synchronize Y-axis Ticks | Align primary and secondary chart axis tick marks |
Secondary Chart Send to Back | Adjusts (z-index) to send the secondary chart behind the first. |
Synchronize Y-Axis values | Synchronizes the Y-axis primary and secondary to the same values. |
Secondary Y-Axis Max | Set the Y-axis max values for the secondary Y-axis. x-axis fields |
Secondary Y-Axis Logarithmic Axis | For log scale, enter logarithmic |
Secondary Y-Axis Min | Set the Y-axis min values for the secondary Y-axis |
Secondary Chart Display
Field | Interpretation |
Secondary Y-Axis Title Display | Display secondary Y-axis; enabled by default |
Secondary Data Label Display | Display secondary value labels; default is false |
Secondary Y-Axis Title Text | Title for secondary Y-axis |
Secondary Data Label Formatter | For formatting; click here |
Secondary Y-Axis Labels Formatter | For formatting; click here |
Secondary Y-Axis Symbol Before Data Label | Symbol to display before data label for secondary Y-axis |
Secondary Y-Axis Symbol After Data Label | Symbol to display after data label for secondary Y-axis |
Secondary Data Label Decimal Places | Number of decimal places in data label for secondary Y-axis |
Secondary Data Labels X Offset | The X position offset of the label relative to the point in pixels |
Secondary Y-Axis Value in Reverse Order | Click to reverse the axis so that the highest number is closest to the origin. |
Secondary Data Labels Y Offset | The Y position offset of the label relative to the point in pixels |
Widget Menu
Field | Interpretation |
Show Title | Show Title on Widget |
Analyze | Show Analyze menu |
Alerts | Show Alert icon |
Filters | Show Filter icon |
Drilldowns | Show Drilldowns menu |
Query | Show Query menu |
Data/Export | Show Data/Export menu |
Data Diagram | Show Data Diagram |
Share | Show Share menu |
Refresh | Show Refresh menu |
Maximize | Show Maximize menu |
Remove from Dashboard |
Show Remove from the Dashboard menu |
InstantSights |
Show InstantSights |
Repeatable Panels
Repeatable Panels allows you to create a new widget for every unique entry in the selected group field.
To create Repeatable Panels, toggle the Repeatable Panels under Widget settings.
In the Group Field dropdown, choose the fields on which you wish to create widgets.
- Repeatable Widgets are created for unique Group Fields only
- Only the repeated widgets are displayed and not the parent widget
- A maximum of 20 Repeatable Widgets can be created
- Repeatable Widgets are applicable for Group Fields of Text data type only.
Choose the Widget Width and Height from the dropdown. The values range from 3 to 24, with 12 taking up half the Dashboard space. This applies to all the repeatable Widgets.
Users can pass the {RepeatableGroup} tag in the visualization title to replace it with the Group Field value in every repeatable widget's title.
Click Save.
Go back to the Dashboard to see your changes. You can see that Repeatable Widgets are created based on unique records in the group field. In this case, it is based on unique state names.
The Repeatable Widgets are replaced in the same position as the parent, and the rest are adjusted accordingly.
All the repeated Widgets are editable; users can query/visualize/transform/drilldown on them individually. All changes are reflected across all Repeatable Widgets.
Toggle off the Repeatable Widgets switch to come back to the original state.
Advanced Configuration
Field | Interpretation |
Animation | Animation of the chart, ON by default |
Time Series Navigator | Enable/Disable time series navigator at the bottom of a time series chart; enabled by default. |
Polar | To transform cartesian charts like lines, splines, areas, and columns into the polar coordinate system |
Use UTC for Time Series Charts | Disable auto browser conversion of Timezone for the time series charts and show UTC timestamps. |
X-Axis Ordinal | Points are equally spaced in the chart regardless of the actual time or x distance between them. |
Use GPU Translations in Boost Mode | When in boost mode, GPU translations are faster than regular JS translations |
Scroll Limit | Scroll paging; default is 1000 records |
Internal Sparkline Charts | Allows you to create charts within cells to see trends |
Enable Pivot Configuration | Displays the configure button for pivot tables for non-viewer roles |
Reset Pivot Structure | Clear all rows, columns, values, and filters |
Change Dataset | Change to a different dataset |
On Click Event Handler | Define custom javascript behavior when a point is clicked |
Field | Interpretation |
Custom Tile Provider | Custom tile provider URL |
Custom WMS | Custom layers URL |
Custom Map Layers | Layers names |
GeoJSON URL | Optional GeoJSON for additional layering |
GeoJSON Code | Optional GeoJSON for additional layering |
Custom Javascript Handler | Optional Javascript for additional handling |
Search Bar on Settings Area
Widget Field Customization
Users can add data values from the dataset to widget titles, descriptions, and footnotes. The custom tokens follow the same syntax used in custom HTML.
For example, To add data value to the widget footnote:- Navigate to the widget settings.
- In the Footnote field, type the custom token in the format: {{fieldName:rowIndex}}
- Click Save.
- You can now see the changes in the widget footnote.
Note: Please note that data values are applied to the widget on the dashboard only.