Note: Unless you wish to tweak any settings, no changes are required out of the box.
The file config.json contains global settings for the Agent. It's pre-configured with your API and Agent ID.
The top level Agent installation directory contains the following three directories:
- config : JSON based Datasource configurations and Query configuration files that are dropped here will be picked up and executed.
- examples : Example Demo Datasource and Query file configurations.
lib : Libraries used for the Agent to connect to various datasources.
Under config dir, the config.json contains the following core configuration parameters for the agent.
Property Comments apiKey Unique API key to send. Do not modify. realtimeUpdate Default: true. Enables connectivity to our servers. Enable real-time query execution, for queries configured in the UI. autoUpdate Default: true. Checks for new Cloud9Agent versions once a day and if set to true, the agent process will automatically update and restart autoDownloadLib Default: true. Will download necessary libraries from Cloud9 Charts when a new datasource is used. For example, when connecting to MongoDB, if the drivers are not present, it'll download the necessary files from us. maxThreads Default:40 Maximum number of concurrent Query Threads (Queries will be queued until a thread becomes available for larger workloads) connectorId Agent ID. Do not modify, unless recommended by our team loadedDataSources Datasources currently used and libraries downloaded for configDir Directory used for datasources and queries configurations